October 9, 2015

Your biggest expense?

Your biggest expense is not your mortgage, rent or lambo payment:-)

Your biggest expense is NOT even your taxes.

Not even clooooose!

YOUR BIGGEST EXPENSE is the money you COULD be making, but aren’t.

Want an example?

Okie doke!

If you own an email subscriber list….

Do this:

Open up your autoresponder.

Look at one of your important lists.


Look at how many opened the LAST EMAIL you sent.


But how many opened?

Now multiply that number by $25.

So if 1000 people opened your last email and you multiply by $25…you get $25,000.


If your promotions are NOT hitting $25k, subtract the number you usually hit with your promotion and this is your “lost money”.

So if your promos…bring in $5k on average…then in essence, every promo you do you’re leaving $20k on the table.

Then for extra credit: just calculate how many promos you do per year and multiply again…If you do 7 promos per year…there’s $140,000 which could have flowed through your business.

Big Dino-sized expense…right?

If you’re doing better than that…than I need to hire YOU. Seriously. I’ll invest money in a heartbeat to plug up my biggest expenses. (Please hit me up.)

If you’re not doing better than that? Are you OPEN for more?…and I’m NOT saying I can help. I can help a LOT of folks, I run promos for myself and clients where $25 is the low end…I’ve helped the right folks run SIX FIGURE promos with 1700 people on average opening.

BUT…if you do the exercise above and feel we need to chat, I’m here.

FYI: Although I HAVE produced six figures with one email…I’m talking about a well planned promotion…not ONE email.

Rooting For You,

PS – For the right list owner…I am open to doing it FOR YOU on a contingency basis.

Give me 10 days & I'll do all the work to create a 5 figure to 6 figure cash windfall for you... AFTERWARDS you just write me a check from your profits...




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