- in What We Do by Travis Sago
Nightmares of A Biz Nerd!!!

I’m chillin’ at the Little Rock Airport lounging around and waiting so peacefully for my flight.
I decide to re-read the Owner Versus Victim Distinction chapter from my favorite book called Straight-Line Leadership. Nearly every page is dog eared and the print from the cover is actually starting to fade as I read from my Bible of Badassery nearly every morning.
When I CAN…
I get a hold of physical copies (has been back ordered for months), I joyfully scribble a heart-felt note on the inside flap and send to my clients and favorite people in the world who I feel will “get” the powerful distinctions locked inside.
The announcer chortles that boarding for my flight is beginning…
I shoot up.
I board.
And sit patiently for the first round of screwdrivers…I mean… flight to take off:-)
The big metal bird roars and finally takes to the air…
Minutes later…
The DONG chimes…the seat belt lights extinguish…
And a cheerful flight attendant takes my drink order…
As I wait for my Grey Goose and Orange Juice…I daydream inside my dream about, Lou and Mickey’s, my favorite steakhouse.
The steaks at Lou and Mickey’s are soooooo good…
… the last time I was there a silver haired gentleman started choking on a piece of steak and he REFUSED the Heimlich Maneuver. That’s a tasty steak right there!
My daydream is interrupted when a hand appears in front of my face with a plastic glass of OJ and a jigger bottle of Grey Goose.
I slurp my first sip…and feel the burn…
Life is good.
And then…
that’s when it happens…
I open my laptop bag to pull out my Bible of Badassery and it’s NOT THERE. I search frantically in EVERY POCKET…even the ones only big enough to hold a USB drive.
OH GOD! It hits me.
I left it on the seat next to me in the airport lounge!
What do I do?
Maybe we can turn the plane around?
The FAA would never understand why Straight-Line Leadership is so important to me.
Would they understand it’s more than just a book?
Could they grasp the full-throttle power of not wanting results to show up in life, but simply choosing them instead?
Would they understand how I’ve LICKED weight problems, money challenges and lack of physical energy by not trying to solve problems, but by creating my way out of it?
What would Dusan Djukich Do?
And just then I hear Dusan roar in a woody James Earl Jones-ish bellow…”WAAAAAAAKE UUUUUUPPPP!”
And so I did.
And what was lying right next to me on my bedside table?
My Bible of Badassery…Straight-Line Leadership!
Of course…
The straightest line to the results I desired was to simply WAKE UP!
If you’ve read Straight-Line you know what I’m talkin’ about!
Rooting For Ya,
PS I believe the Bible of Badassery, Straight-Line Leadership, is available in Kindle now? I still prefer hard-copy, but if this nightmare had been real, I would’ve settled for the Kindle version!
PPS If this post inspired you to pick up a copy of Straight-Line, I get ZERO commission. However, if a post I put up in about 10 minutes inspired you to buy your own copy…maybe we should chat about me helping you sell more of YOUR product or service?
I work on a “I don’t get paid, unless you get paid” basis…but you’ll need to have an email audience big enough we BOTH get paid 5 figures…Plus, be a cool person to work with. You’re likely a shoe-in if you own Straight-Line Leadership:-)